My Friends

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Do you floss?

I recently got a pack of these floss picks and I LOVE it! I wish they would invent some kind of reusable pick- such a waste of plastic.

My dentist always told me to floss and brush well, but I guess it took me 15 years to actually listen to him!

I used to hate flossing with regular flossing thread but now I love using these floss picks!


  1. I've never used them but I'm certainly willing to give them a try. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  2. i still dont hv the habit of doing it regularly.

  3. I do use them daily. My dentist said one should brush teeth 3 times a least..5 times is nothing new too. Well, she is a dentist.
