Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Bye Bye Pineapple

Dear kitchen flavours ... this is a picture of the final days of my pineapple. Maybe I will cook something out of it!


  1. Your pineapple looks lovely! mr. pineapple man is taller than the pineapple! Be sure to do a posting when you cook the pineapple. The head can be replanted again! Or just enjoy it as it is, sliced, cool it in the refrigerator and sprinkled with a tiny dash of fine salt just before eating. Yummy!

  2. That pineapple is so ripe, you could eat it on its own! Bet it'll be very sweet and juicy!

  3. a gorgeous little pineapple it is! make something great!

  4. Your picture made me smile. Another day and that pineapple will walk away of its own accord. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary
