Thursday, November 18, 2010

Work Out

I started working out at the gym. And boy am I SORE!!

I usually walk really fast for 1 mile.

do some leg presses and a little stretching

do any of you workout at the gym? I always have to force myself to go...I mean, it's not my favorite place in the world if ya'll know what I mean :)


  1. Sounds just like me. I go with some friends, but tend to not go if they don't! Thankfully they GO more than they skip. :-)

  2. gym is not applicable for me,as i do a lot of gym too at work. I mean take care of my two kids just like doing gym as well,so tired!

  3. Gym is so serious & boring ha ha...I still prefer doing low impact aerobics with music and moves or brisk walks in the sun :)

  4. Gym? Is it a word? Doesn't sound familiar! He! He! ^..^

  5. Errr...never been to the gym in my life. I tried jogging this summer and that didn't turn out well. I do simple stretches for like 5 minutes everyday. I know exercising is important and I should start to do some before some health problems creep up on me.

  6. I do know what you mean. I started working out again last week. I was in pain for five whole days! I'm sort of accustomed now and try to go a couple of times a week. Keep it up!

  7. hehe well it's great news!hahaha probably you'll become a happier person, don't you think??hehe i just can't get enough of your blog!
