Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Making Pumpkin Pie

I made pumpkin pie for the very first time!
I never really liked baking because I don't want to know how much butter, sugar, shortening goes into the stuff I eat...that would just be too cruel! Let a (wo)man enjoy his dessert!

mixing the flour, sugar and salt

rolled the pie crust into a ball

shaped it into a crust (minus the edges)

I don't have a blender so I had to do it the classic way.

GAH!! Look at all the lumps!!

somewhat got it under control and poured it into the crust

Ta-Da!! Very delicious! Thanks to Paula Deen!


  1. For a person who doesn't like to bake you did an excellent job.

  2. lovely pie! I wish i have an oven at home for me to bake too!

  3. Wow! You baked a pumpkin pie! Looks really good. What's next?? Hey, what happened to your pineapple plant??...

  4. great job! this looks fantastic!

  5. The way I view eating has definitely changed the more I know what and how much go into the things I eat.

    Your pie looks wonderful! That has to make up for some of the sugar and fat. =)

  6. Pretty good job..Looks delicious!

  7. Pretty good! You did a good job as a beginner. Maybe you should start baking more? It is so addictive. Haha.

    Thanks for dropping by my blog. Would love to see more exciting posts from you yea. :)

  8. Great job for a first go...
    Keep trying, pie crust gets better with each go round!
    I mix my filling by hand as well...
    Thanks for stopping by my blog.
    Take care!

  9. Your version of this fall classic looks very yummy!

  10. nice work! baking is fun! but i totally agree with you on the amounts of sugar and stuff!
