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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Girl with the dragon tattoo

I found this while surfing pinterest and just had to share this with you. People are so clever!
Has anyone actually seen the movie?


  1. i liked the movie :) its worth seeing if you've read the book!

  2. I haven't seen it yet, but I'm still trying to catch up with last year's Academy Award movies :-). I love films but it is hard to find time to see them. Ah, well!Have a great weekend. Blessings...Mary

  3. Now I have a renewed interest in Pinterest! Read the book, saw the Swedish movie... and at the rate I go - I shall see it when it hits TV.

  4. No, have not seen it! Not aware of it either! :)

  5. Loved the book but haven't seen the movie. My kids all told me that the original film was better, but I haven't seen either one. That picture though is adorable. :)

  6. I saw the three originals.

    Mr. Pineapple...I lost track of you and now I found you again.

  7. Haven't seen the movie. I'm addicted to Pinterest too. I need to set a timer to limit myself.

  8. the title actually rings a bell. i think it's a book i've come across..
